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December 12 Career Stories
Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM EDT
Category: Events

December 12 Career Stories: Sarah Robertson, Bryn Mawr College

The December 12 speaker will be Sarah E. Robertson, PhD. Sarah is the Director of Sponsored Research at Bryn Mawr College. In Bryn Mawr’s PUI (Primarily Undergraduate Institution) environment, she strategizes to enhance  sponsored research programs, through grant trainings, editing, internal competitions, and creating networks for collaborative efforts in research, as well as managing compliance and financial issues related to research.
Sarah brings an extensive professional background in grants, both in grant administration and research development, after managing the Office of Sponsored Projects and Research at the University of the Sciences for many years and spending almost a decade at grant funding foundations. This included roles with oversight of the Susan G. Komen® research grant portfolio, educational programs, and the community health grant portfolio. At the American Association for Cancer Research, she worked closely with some of the leading experts in cancer research planning educational events, writing grants, and participating in the Foundation’s grant application review. She has also served as a reviewer for the NSF, NIH, and CUR (Council on Undergraduate Research).
Dr. Robertson has been a NORDP member since 2015 and has benefited from its resources ever since. She has served as a member of the Program Committee in 2019, served as a member of the Nomination Committee from 2020-2023, and has been active in the Mid-Atlantic Region executive committee since 2020. Given her role at a PUI, she joined the PUI Affinity Group in its first year and is delighted to serve as its Co-Chair this year. Her collaboration with the others in the PUI Affinity Group leadership led to the development of a funded NSF GRANTED conference grant.
She earned her Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of Pennsylvania where she studied intracellular trafficking after completing her A.B. at Bryn Mawr College. 

Career Stories is a collaboration of NORDP LEAD (Leadership, Engagement And Development) and the Professional Development and Member Services Committee. The Career Stories archive, featuring speakers since January 2021, can be found on the NORDP LMS.