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Exploring the Role of RD in Research Integrity
Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Category: Webinars

In this 50-minute webinar, NORDP’s Immediate Past President and Associate VP for Research Dr. Kimberly Eck welcomes Joseph Lerro, Open Access Business Development Manager at F1000, to discuss important lessons for Research Development professionals learned from the world’s leading academic funders, universities, and private institutions, where demand for rigor, transparency and reproducibility in published research is at an all-time high.

As a pioneer in the open science ecosystem, F1000 is immersed in conversations with universities, funders and researchers who are actively moving from fixed, narrative-based publishing outputs toward more dynamic, interactive processes that support of an open science approach. In the webinar, we’ll discuss their findings and explore important questions relevant to your institution’s research development needs, such as how top research institutions are answering questions like: 

  • What is the role of research development in facilitating research integrity and what should it be?
  • Are research narratives sufficient for scientists to properly reproduce and augment research findings?
  • How can peer review, curation and distribution of a wider range of research outputs expose more of the research process to its intended users, potentially enabling deeper and more dynamic engagement for fellow researchers?
  • In what ways are research data, software code, genome notes, protocols and other components of the research process increasingly considered essential, first-class artifacts?
  • How can proper curation and attribution of research artifacts (data, notes, code, etc.) protect your institution’s intellectual property while enhancing the interconnectedness of research objects to better facilitate the scientific process?

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